Know The Facts Before Embracing The Phrase Black Identity Extremists

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

If you’re a woman, you have no problem saying that you identify as a woman.  If you’re Black, there is nothing wrong saying that you identify as Black.  However, be aware of groups that depend on using the word “identity” to mask their underlying anti-government and use of violence ideologies.

Just a note; there are embedded links in this post and they should appear in blue.

White Supremacists, sovereign citizens are taking advantage of the Black Lives Matter movement to draw them into believing that hey are not fighting against a system that does not hold law enforcement accountable but rather, against the laws of the government — the nation itself.

While the majority of sovereign citizens do nothing more than paper terrorize the courts, there are some who believe in being armed and using them against members of law enforcement.  Since White sovereign citizens would like to encourage Blacks…

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