Verdict: Derek Chauvin Guilty For The Murder of George Floyd

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

There was a time when I followed trials and posted daily on this blog the videos or reports of what happened in court.  Although I still follow trials, I’m no longer able to write daily posts. 

I watched former Minneapolis, MN police officer Derek Chauvin’s trial.  When I was unable to watch live, I recorded it and watched in the evening.   The two most impressive witnesses for the prosecution, in my opinion, were George Floyd’s girlfriend Courtney Ross, and pulmonary expert Dr. Martin Tobin. 

Courtney Ross extinguished all demonizing of George’s opiate addiction.  Dr. Tobin calmly explained how George died, even pointing out when his brain stopped receiving oxygen and his body went into seizure. 

In this case, Derek Chauvin was held accountable for his decisions and actions that caused the death of George Floyd.  As his eyes darted back and forth, up and down, Chauvin heard verdicts on three…

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