Michael Slager On Trial for Killing Walter Scott – Trial Continues Part 2

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

2015-04-08t23-05-56-033z-1280x720-nbcnews-ux-1080-600The murder trial of ex-cop Michael Slager began on November 3rd, and you can find the videos of the trial at the following link up to Thursday, November 10th.  There was no trial on Veteran’s Day.

Post and Courier reports that the trial has been contentious.  Judge Clifton Newman has cautioned defense attorneys to not testify themselves, but the defense continues using that tactic.

During trial, you hear “SLED” allot.  That is the acronym for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

Here are some highlights of the trial;

  • The bystander who filmed the killing, Feidin Santana, has testified.  He stood strong against the defense trying to get him to agree that there was a “fight,” and Santana continued correcting the defense that he saw no fight.
  • Slager’s former colleagues have testified that he told them that Walter Scott managed to wrestle his taser away from him and…

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New York Man Sentenced To 24 Months in Prison For Internet Offenses, Including “Doxing” and Cyber-Stalking

Stop Cyber Abuse

cyberbullying-and-doxxingOn July 11, 2016, the United States Department of Justice published a press release announcing the sentencing of Mir Islam of New York, NY.   Islam, 22-years old, was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison on three federal charges stemming from a conspiracy to commit various crimes related to the “swatting” and “doxing” of dozens of victims, interstate transmission of threats, cyber-stalking, making a false bomb threat against a university in Arizona ,and a pattern of online harassment constituting cyber-stalking against a university student.  All of the charges stem from Islam’s activities that took place between February and September 2013.

Mir Islam, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Bangladesh, was arrested in September 2013. In addition to the prison time, the Honorable Randolph D. Moss ordered Islam to be placed on three years of supervised release following the prison term.  During his supervised release, Mir Islam must agree to computer monitoring…

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